
Need Help? Check out these Resources…

Rural Ottawa Youth Mental Health Resources
Youth Services Jeunesse (Ages 12-20)
Crisis Line (Ages 16+)
Apps to Try
Parent’s Lifeline of Eastern Ontario

Social Awareness is the Cure

Learning about TS:

Tourette Canada offers education and training to qualified individuals who facilitate educational opportunities to not only advocate on behalf of the TS individual within the school and work settings but also provide arenas whereby open exchanges of information and learning can happen.

We are proud of and look forward to opportunities where we can customize presentations to sector specific stakeholders such as First Responders, Educators, Clinicians, and the general workplace, etc. to support inclusion and understanding of Tourette Syndrome and its associated disorders.

Someone to Talk to

Here for You:

Our programs are structured to promote broad-based awareness and understanding of Tourette Syndrome; educate the community about the Syndrome and support meaningful engagement between children, adults and families living with Tourette and the community at large.

Much of our work involves directly supporting families with TS diagnoses via peer-to peer support groups in communities where an affiliate has been established.

Need counseling?

We Care:

Are you affected with Tourette Syndrome and having trouble being understood at work? Are those around your child or teenager need a better understanding of Tourette Syndrome?

contact us at